Sunday, May 10, 2020

Star Wars Queen’s Peril Non-spoiler Review

I loved this book. It’s from Padmé’s Election Day  to the end of The Phantom Menace, my favourite Prequel. And it’s a prequel to Queen’s Shadow. I enjoyed that one but this was several degrees better. I enjoyed getting more insight about Padmé and her handmaidens especially Keira Knightley’s Sabé. It also has some surprising scenes from other characters that blew me away. The Roger Roger B1 droids are actually menacing. I’m looking forward to the audio version by Padmé actress Cat Taber. The end got me teary eyed at 3 in the morning. I couldn’t put it down. I look forward to the possibility of a fourth Star Wars novel from EK Johnston.

Star Wars Poe Dameron Freefall Non-spoiler review

I love Poe and the Damerons and previous books and comics about them. This is faithful to those stories. The author definitely did his homework.    I was intrigued by Poe’s seedy past and I think Alex Segura did a great job expanding on that little nugget from the movie. I enjoyed Zorii and her own struggles. It added a lot to their scenes together in the movie.  I would recommend this book. Look for it in August.

Friday, January 7, 2011


This is an old poem  I wrote about a vampire. It's pretty simple. I'm not sure if this is the exact poem. I wrote it years ago.

My blood has run cold.
I must have more.
I might be a priest or i might be a whore.
I could be young or very old.
I might come knocking at your door.

x-mas is over!! hallelujah!

Today is the day after little x-mas. its finally over for another 11 months. It's December 7th. the day after little x-mas. Can't wait to put the tree away. Just got a tiny tree to put a smile on my wife's face. I hated that every year my mom overdid it with the decorations. I stopped believin Santa Claus or "Santy" when i was 7. i spent x-mas when i was 6 in hospital with a broken leg after a car accident.

I hope the terrible X-mas music is gone when i go back to work at the old grocery store. It's the same couple of songs covered by different artists played over and over again. Just regular terrible music until December. Yippee!! X-mas is atheist Hell. I don't want to get in the X-mas spirit. I call it X-mas to cut the Christ out of it. It's a dirty word.

creepy coincidence

i googled this blog and found that there are other blogs with similar names .musings of an irish-american and musings of an irish canadian. thats weird. i pulled the name out of thin air. what are the odds?

Monday, December 27, 2010

First post

I've had this blog for months and i haven't posted a thing. I'll have something interesting to say soon. Promise.